Sitting on the patio (my favorite room at the house) with my hubby, today I suddenly felt full circle. It had just finished raining and the air was fresh. I had just finished a wonderful afternoon nap. (Beginning to love those, I haven't always.) Kids tummy were full and off to their evening's activities. All that was left was me and the hubby sitting there with nothing to say except "Man, that fern sure is pretty". Silence and then "Man, that fern sure is pretty". Like five times!!! I finally said "Honey could you talk about something besides that fern? Yes, its pretty but have we gotten so old that all we have to do is sit here and talk about the fern?!" We laughed and talked for a little while about life, then low and behold if he didn't say it again! I finally said what is so danged pretty about that silly fern? He couldn't say except it sure was pretty! I was beginning to feel like I was on a first date and nothing to talk about! Obviously, there was something to see in that fern. I thought about why that fern was pretty. Well you have to know the fern.
It began all beautiful lush and sitting among many other similar ferns when I picked it to bring home with me. Well you know me, I began my spring with good intentions to continue to have a beautiful fern. didn't get watered it lost its leaves and began to look "pitiful". We would drag that thing in and out over the next 2 winters saying it looked so bad it needed to be thrown out so we would not have to look at it. We just couldn't give up on the poor thing. This spring we were determined to give it one last chance. Bought it a new pot, new dirt, and gave it a "hair cut". Thought to myself that if it didn't make it as least I had a pretty pot for the next plant. :)
I had forgotten all the efforts of the past winters today when Chris kept talking about its beauty. I simply enjoyed it but as I stayed there for just a few more minutes I looked down to see a garden plaque that sits close by the fern. I just had to smile as I read its words again.
"The Lord is my Light and Salvation, who then can cause me to fear. The Lord is the strength of my life who then is a danger to me." The fern trusted in one who wouldn't throw him out.
That plaque has been a focus for me when I have retreated to my favorite room in fear, anger and distress. The Lord always reminds me "really how bad can this be, I've got this you know." Life has been full of long winters, bad hair cuts (never from Ang) new dirt and new pots.
Enjoy the new dirt, and new pot. Hair will grow back and the winter will end. Man, that fern sure is pretty!