Numbers 11:4-6 The riffraff among the people had a craving and soon they had the People of Israel whining, "Why can't we have meat? We ate fish in Egypt—and got it free!—to say nothing of the cucumbers and melons, the leeks and onions and garlic. But nothing tastes good out here; all we get is manna, manna, manna." The Message Bible
Isn't that just what happens when you take a group on a trip of a lifetime? It's what they have always wanted, planned a lifetime for, and the first time it isn't like what they thought it to be, they being thinking how good it used to be! I read that today in our Bible study One in a Million and just thought why?
The Pharaoh put Task Masters over the Children of Israel to make life "difficult" for them. This was all part of the plan to keep the Children of Israel from rising up and freeing themselves from captivity. Soon everyone became accustom to life in bondage and began to enjoy the food of Egypt. Fish, onions, leeks, garlic,and cucumbers are some of the favorites given freely to them. They began to miss the food of captivity when manna was now on the menu. Manna, the purest most heavenly food God would give His people. Why? To them it became mundane and bland, but to God, it was the purest form of nourishment able to satisfy millions of people. The food of captivity was heavy and pungent in odor. Think about it. The effects of cooking onions and garlic not to mention fish hang in the air long after the meal is finished? And let's not even think of the reoccurring effects of cucumber and melons!! (Maybe you don't have that problem. Be thankful!) Isn't that just like the enemy? Leaving us with the after effects of "good eating" to cover the aroma of fresh Bread from Heaven?! But manna, needed no seasoning, had no side dish that complimented it, it was just manna. All they ever needed!
The time of manna was also a cleansing of the palate. Time to forget about the bondage and experience freedom. But leave it to the "riffraff" to stir up old feelings. You know like a bunch of women discussing recipes around the Manna Buffet. That if they just could add a little onion maybe a clove of garlic and the manna would be outstanding! I have taken part in many of those conversations. I love to cook and even more I love to eat!
God needed to cleanse their palates. To rid them of the after effects of the heavy, overbearing food of the enemy, so they could see their need of dependence of Him. His nourishment is all we need. Feasting on Him and His goodness and His freedom. So I ask myself....Do I miss the food of slavery or wish there was a part of it I could add to what God has for me? Do I remember fondly the days I spent eating the free fish, that kept me needing to be refilled? Do I wish I could go back for just one day and smell the food of bondage simmering on the stove when there is Manna from Heaven fresh waiting for me to gather and feed myself and my family daily? We don't have to store it because it only comes during season. It is daily, fresh and pipping hot from the oven of Heaven! You see we have to cleanse our palates from the food of slavery, by experiencing the pure manna from heaven so our hearts can feast on the Milk and Honey of God's Promise!
Bring on the Manna!!