Saturday, December 25, 2010


Christmas 2010 is one for the record books. My heart is full and overflowing at the outcome of this special season. Here are just a few of the higlights that I want to "treasure".
*My special dance with Clay to "I'll Be Home For Christmas". The song has always be a favorite, from now on it will have a special place in my heart.

*Snow falling giving us a White Christmas. The first one I ever remember.....

*Dinner with Chris's family and the laughter shared.

*Chris coloring with Camryn.

*Clay waking us up before dawn looking for Santa's delivery. Only to find that he was a little late. I thought they felt too old for Santa and I had given him the night off. Boy was I wrong! Thankfully one of his helpers quickly snapped into action.

*Cooking omelets for the Hood Clan.

*The family picture in the snow!

So tonight I sit by the fire, Puck the wonder dog snoring by my side, I am reflecting on the day. For 20 years, I have prayed to have a Christmas like this. For years I have rushed though the day. Watching it fly out the door leaving me wanting more and more still to do. Always saying "next year I'm gonna....", not this year. My heart is full and at peace. It was a beautiful season from start to finish.

Lord, thank you for honoring me and my family with your presence this Christmas. Lord I pray you were honored with our celebrating.

It was such a beautiful day......

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


"Mary kept all these things to herself, holding them dear, deep within herself." Luke 2:19 (the Message)
"His mother held these things dearly, deep within herself." Luke 2:19 (the Message)

I have looked at the verses all my life and thought Mary was filled with pride and joy like any new Mother and the things that were happening around her. At some level this may be true. But reading the verses proceeding this I ask myself, "Dana, could you be happy with all that was going on?" Let's face it, she has just given birth to a child in a barn, no family or close friends around to share in the moment. The months before had been a time of uncertainty as she and Joseph together would walk in a world of disbelief. Rumors and accusations were swirling; rejection from those who knew Mary and Joseph as they held to the promise that this was the Christ Child. No, these were not happy, joyful times, but yet, Mary held these thoughts dear and deep within her. Dana on the other hand, would have felt the urge to shout "see, I told you it was true." I would have to vindicate myself and let everyone know that I was the same person I was before the Angel came and called me Highly Favored. (Guess that is why I was not a finalist for the appointment of His Mother. Grin)

Later in the chapter Mary again must dig deep within herself and "treasure" a moment. She had just witnessed her twelve year old blow the minds of those in the temple. Hours before she was searching frantically for him. She and Joseph had just lived through another nightmare. Losing their kid. (Beth Moore brought this to light) Can you imagine the journey back to look for him? How they felt at the thought of not only loosing the child they called their own but also The Savior of the World! Chris and Dana would have had "heated fellowship" during that trip! (again another reason why I was not a finalist for His Mother.)

People around Mary witnessing the events were amazed, impressed by his wisdom, taken by the beautiful baby and angels over the barn. Mary, watched and treasured events, people and emotions. She must have known in the days ahead these "treasures" would see her through dark days.

Mary "treasured" her journey with Christ. No fanfare, no prideful proclamations about how smart or special her kid was, just deep within her heart....treasures. Looking at my life there are plenty of wrinkles, bumps, warts, scars and dry patches. This past weekend, I was challenged by Beth Moore from Luke 2 to treasure moments in the middle of desert, barren and well watered places of my life. Daily treasures. Knowing how I would look for a dip stick to measure against, I am praying that the Lord would make me aware of the "treasure" moments. Moments that means nothing to no one but me and to watch anxiously for moments the Lord will visit with me and share His heart.

Treasure the moment, treasure the person, treasure the Lord. Thanks Beth!
Merry Christmas......